Varuna launches inaugural RAP

Reconciliation Action Plen Reflect logo

Reconcilation Action Plan REFLECT logo

Varuna is excited to launch its Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

This Reconciliation Action Plan is Varuna’s first, and represents an important progression of our organisation’s strategic objectives to reflect diversity and nurture First Nations writing.

Varuna’s vision is to establish an active commitment to First Nations writers and audiences locally, nationally and internationally, fostering respect and understanding, and encouraging engagement with Varuna’s programs and events.

“Varuna is excited to formalise its commitment to reconciliation“ said Veechi Stuart, Executive Director. “We believe that literature offers a powerful medium for reconciliation, understanding and the expression of culture. We are proud to work with First Nations writers, and are dedicated to developing new opportunities, including our Fellowship programs, Festival events, and online residencies.”

For further information and to download our RAP, please click here .


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